Una nueva adición, cortesía de la amiga Julia que me ha pasado el siguiente clásico de canciones para borrachos:
Desde que te vi con la pata de palo
dije para mí: "malo, malo, malo, malo"
Desde que te vi con la pata de madera,
dije para mí. "fuera, fuera, fuera, fuera"
Ahí queda grabada para la posteridad, que no van a ser sólo Ismael y la Banda del Mirlitón los únicos que recuperan clásicos populares.
February is Laughton season in New York!
10 years ago
i stumbled into this off-shoot of the shrine to charles to. and am waiting for a post devoted to our orchats. and while you're at it one for the calcots. my other catalan passion.
i lived 3 years in barcelona but unfortunately my catalan has gone the way of the warrior, leaving only spanish which (travesty) has taken a madrileno tinge. since that is where my parents live now.
I want to prepare an introductory article... with the origins, diffrent types of Orxata, etc... I have to work some photos from my favourite spots, too. I am a little fuzzy over work now, but Once I'm over it I will do it.
Quite strangely, I have yet to taste calçots properly... yes, I like onions, I like calçots sauce and I even had a boyfriend from Valls!... Queer, isn't it?
Though I certainly like Pa amb tomaquet and Escalivada ;D
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