The recent news about Castells ("Human Towers") in London's
Regent Street and also the
Tres de Deu (see an image
here) recently crowned by the Castellers de Vilafranca in Sant Fèlix 's day has prompted me to check my photo archive, and write about the Tres de Deu towers I've had the privilege to witness.
But, what is a Tres de deu? A Tres de Deu is a ten-story high
castell. Time ago, it was discussed whether such a mammoth structure was actually achievable, as the eight and nine-story
castells are difficult enough to achieve and only the
colles ("teams") with enough technique, personnel and history have mastered them. Among the recent
colles (that is, those founded in the recent years as the
castells' tradition bloomed again and beyond its historical terrain) it is considered a feat to achieve eight-story
castells, and in fact, before the nine-story towers were re-conquered in the late 20th century, few
colles were capable of building an eight-story
The Minyons start to build the towerAs the nine-story
castells became more usual, some colles began to ponder about the actual chances of building ten-story
castells, which would become a reality as the 20th century reached its end.
The first ever Tres de deu towers: November 1998 In summer 1998, word spread among
castells aficionados that two
colles, the Castellers de Vilafranca and the Minyons de Terrassa, were working in the achievement of that gigantic -and believed impossible- structure.
Castellers de Vilafranca tried to treat their fans in Sant Fèlix's day by doing it for the first time ever, 1998, but their dogged efforts weren't successful. They didn't renounce, though, and in November 15th, 1998, the
Tres de Deu amb folre i manilles became a reality (see the photo
here). The tower collapsed before it could be dismounted, but was crowned successfully.
The enxaneta lifts her arm: the Tres de Deu is crowned (Minyons de Terrassa)I wasn't at Vilafranca that day but was lucky enough to witness, one week after that, the second
Tres de Deu ever. The day was freezing cold and snow began to fall during the act. When the moment came the Minyons started to build the tower. Everything was going fine, the structure was solid and the little
enxaneta, who was to crown the tower, was on her way up. Suddenly she fell and everyone thought that the act was over. Fortunately for the little girl, she came out with no broken bones, though her mouth was bleeding, and she was understandably too scared to try again.
The Minyons dismounted the structure swiftly and without trouble, and then
they started to build it up again with another
enxaneta. The technique was so astounding that they made it look easy, though it is a construction of the utmost difficulty. In this second attempt, the
castell was crowned and, with awesome skill,
dismounted for the first time ever. It was November 22nd, 1998. A day to remember.
This was one of those occasions when one regrets not to have a proper camera at hand, but you can see their own photo
here and further
pictures and
videos videos in their own website.
XVIIIConcurs de Castells a Tarragona, 2000 In the 2000
casteller contest at Tarragona, the Castellers de Vilafranca attempted again the
Tres de Deu but failed, but after much labor, the tower collapsed as it was reaching its pinnacle. It was the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls which, for the first time in their history, crowned the giant.
Llenya!: the tower collapses (Castellers de Vilafranca)
La Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls starts the structure
The Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls, about to achieve their first Tres de DéuSome links about castells Here you have further links about
castells. Of course, there are more than that, but I hope these will be a good place to start with. In them you will find news, calendars, photos, videos and chronicles of tower-building feats. Some of these links have English pages.
Colles castelleres :
Colla Jove de Tarragona: the oldest webpage about
castellsMinyons de TerrassaColla Vella dels Xiquets de VallsColla Joves Xiquets de VallsCastellers de VilafrancaCapgrossos de Mataró: The
colla which performed in London recently.
Other links (blogs, news, reviews & opinions): : Diari electrónic de Temàtica castellera Web Casteller, portal d'informació castelleraMón CastellerLa